NDNEEL2s&žÿÿÿÿæJAbstract: Accession No: Additional Info: Address: 'Affiliation: 'Article Type: Author(s): Cited Reference: Database: / DOI: +Full Text: Genuine Article: Journal Subject: Language: 2Ownership:  Provider:0References: Source: IEW (| ): Source: | , no.  ( ): Source: | , no.  (): Source: | ,  ( ): Source: | ,  (): Source:  no.  (| ): Source:  no.  (): Source: |  (| ): Source: |  (): Source:  (| ): Source:  (): Source: | , no.  (| )Source: | , no.  ()Source:  no.  (| )Source:  no.  ()Source: |  (| )Source: |  ()Standard No: Title: -------ßD H: , USA [ ] , U.S.A. D[ ] , D DDD p. ; : p Dby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition HS: . [ ] / , ( ) DHD: DDDScale DDDSLSDL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DHD DH0x‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ Source:  1Arts Humanities (OCLC)OCLCÖ"Per-search access to the Arts & Humanities Search database will end on December 31, 2010."--OCLC alert sent 8/26/10. For more information, see http://www.oclc.org/us/en/firstsearch/content/questions/default.htm.Arts & Humanities Search